Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cadettes: Netiquette Badge

Cadettes Netiquette Badge

I did nothing earth shattering with my girls to earn this badge, it was an open discussion forum. Typically my girls do not like discussions of any kind.  However, I was pleasantly surprised the girls had a lot of input and helped to guide the topics.  My biggest challenge was keeping them focused and limiting the endless stories.  We covered several key components: 

Ownership of electronical devices - all devices are owned by parents until the age of 18 and parents have the right to limit or deny their use

Misconstrued texts

Example of texts that can prove to be dangerous

How texts and internet relationships can be beneficial

New apps that deceive parents - downloading free text apps and hiding conversations

Snapchat - new app much like Instagram or Facebook, but deletes comments and photos after 5 seconds giving the false perception that the conversations or photos cannot be saved.  Kids have learned how to save the texts and photos.

Accidental texts (or as the girls call it: butt texting) and auto-correct spelling issues

Do 's and Don't of blogging

Impersonation (create a Dream Instagram profile) - giving girls a quick realization that you can be                     anyone on the internet, you should always be true to yourself and NEVER create false profiles

Cyber-bullying - It only takes 2 girls to stand up for a victim in a bullying situation to END the negative behavior!

Following our conversation I had the girls make their own list of the Top 10 things to remember about the internet and safety.  We compiled a list from all the girls and it was read on the morning announcements at their school.

Finally, they each signed the GS Internet Safety Pledge and a copy was given to each parent.

Notes and Hand-Outs.  You can download and print your own copy of these files here:

Netiquette Notes
GS Internet Safety Pledge
Email Etiquette Quiz
Dream Instagram Account
Cyber Bullying Quiz 3
Cyber Bullying Quiz 2
Cyber Bullying Quiz 1
Auto_text Fun 

If you download my files please list your troop #, council and state in the comments area.  I love for readers to see all the active leaders in the area looking and sharing resources! Also this keeps me inspired to continue updating my posts!


  1. Please send me pdf. creech03atcoxdotnet
    thanks so much

  2. My troop usually prefers hands-on badges, but this was a very timely badge for my girls and I think they enjoyed sharing their experiences and learning from each other. Thanks for sharing the handouts. They really helped keep our meeting focused.

  3. This blog is completely awesome!!! I am taken aback by how good it is. First, women (girls) run the internet. They read netiquette rules on my site and share them. A glance at the Alexa information regarding my domain makes this clear. That may figure into your girls interest in the badge. However, I think you great examples are what made the discussion work. I learned some new netiquette about texting from blog. Great job!!!

  4. Could you please send me pdf file with this info. My cadettes I have 5 are getting ready to work on this badge.

    my email is

  5. Could you send me the pdf of this file too? It's excellent!! Our troop is entering sixth grade next month and this would be great to do with them!

    my email is

    Thank you!

  6. Could I also get a copy of your pdf file? This is a great place to start the year with my girls.

    thanks, Katie

  7. This looks so great, could you please send me the PDF file too!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. It's leaders like you Amy that keep me posting! Take Care!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing the handouts -- these will be a great addition to our Cadette meeting tomorrow!

  11. Thanks for posting this. I was trying to figure out what I could possibly teach my Cadettes for this topic that wouldn't be covered in their MEdia Journey...everything is absolutely perfect. Thank you.

  12. Hi my name is Beth Cursi ~ we are from Troop #1710, Citrus Council - Orlando, FL. Thanks so much for the activities! I let another leader borrow my guidebook, so I would have been lost at tonight's meeting without your help.

  13. Thank you for sharing your info with us! We plan on covering this topic with our 6th grade troop at tomorrow's meeting and your resources will be extremely helpful. Thank you! Troop 4060 Green Bay, WI

  14. Troop 729 in Henderson, NV. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Hello! I am the leader of Troop #6499, Girl Scouts Diamonds - Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. I appreciate your work compiling activities for this badge. I am looking forward to using these in our meeting this afternoon!

  16. Thanks so much from Troop 75343 in Southeastern Michigan Council.

  17. Thanks so much from Troop 75343 Southeastern Michigan council.

  18. Troop 1820 in Waverly, TN - Middle Tn Council

  19. Thank you so much for sharing these helpful tips and resources! The girls in my troop know a lot more than I do about social media but they still have a lot to learn about kindness, safety, and being true to themselves. We're working on this in the context of our MEdia Journey. Also just did a great tour of a local TV station. The tour guide talked with us about the importance of their "media presence" and how that can affect college and job prospects. Great stuff! Jill, Troop 2455, Central Maryland

  20. Thank you From Troop 27356 - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto, TX

  21. I'd like to suggest a tool called Off the Grid
    It's a box that comes with a set of cards. The idea is everyone puts their phones in the box, and takes out the cards which have questions about social media, online safety and responsibility. Some troops in my area have used it. It is meant for families as well.

  22. Julie, Troop 7156, GSGLA/California

  23. Thank you from Delaware / GSCB

  24. Thank you from Troop 4667 in Texas

  25. Thank you from Troop 8474 in Wisconin!

  26. Thank you from Troop 8474 in Wisconsin

  27. Thank you from Troop 9418 in Alabama!!

  28. This is awesome!! I have downloaded them all for my meeting this weekend! You are a gem!

  29. Thanks! Troop 304, GSNCA, Trussville, AL

  30. Thanks for the info. Hopefully it will help my girls be more aware with all that's been going on in our neighborhood. Troop 76583 GSSEM.


  32. Thank you, this was so helpful!! Troop 21559 Chesterfield, NJ

  33. Girl Scouts of Utah Troop 478. Getting ready for Digital Cookie.

  34. Thank you GSWCF 3110

  35. Thank you from troop 15030 Maple Grove MN!!

  36. GSHH troop 036from Middletown NY

  37. Thank you for the information. Question: Do you have answers to some of the questions on the quizzes that ask about percentages of phone use, cyberbullying, etc? We are in Shelton CT Troop 60290

  38. Thank you GSWO 10854
